The poetry of Fatimah Asghar


Partition by Fatimah Asghar

Check this absolute badboy of a poem. It comes from Fatimah Asghar’s collection ‘If they come for us.’ This poem is everything I love about autobiographical work. It’s on the nose but still so potent in its delivery.

Your prompt for the day

This poem uses a repeated phrase. Try creating your own poem using the same repeated phrase.

  1. Write - You’re ……………………….. until they/you………………………………… 10 times on a piece of paper.

  2. Write into each one giving yourself the time to reflect.

  3. Go through and perhaps shift and move things to make them your own.

Have fun!

Arji Manuelpillai

Poet, Performer, Creative facilitator

Helping people express themselves

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